St Pats Donabate

Founded 1924


On February 4th 2024 St Pat's GAA Club will officially be 100 years old.

Over the course of the coming year the club has a number of activities planned to celebrate the event.

There will be a number of events at the start of the year welcoming in the centenary.
And then another couple at the back end.

With the months from April through to October given over to regular club activity.

Memory Lane - A monthly Social Media trip through the archives.
Commemorative Crest - Commissioning of an official crest for all Pats gear.
Special Centenary Jersey - with crest as above. And launched in the new year.
Centenary Golf Classic - Annual Golf classic with a Centenary feature.

Our calendar of major events will then be as follows:

January 1st Centenary Puc Fada: This is our annual puc fada that will take place as usual in Newbridge House. And we will be opening it up to all clubs in Fingal and inviting all GAA members to come on January 1st to take part as well as a select number of dignitaries as well as local sponsors.

February 4th Commemorative Mass: On Sunday February 4th we will be celebrating the official birth of the club with a commemorative mass in the local church when all past members, officers, players and coaches will be remembered. As well as a small reception in the club afterwards. The club was officially affiliated into the GAA on Monday 4th of February 1924.

March 17th Centenary Sevens: This will be one of two major events the club will run over the course of the year. It will be an invitational tournament for clubs from all over Ireland [all of whom will be St Pats Clubs] see attached. Two significant events - one on the field and one off the field. It will be for our adult mens and womens teams.

November 17th Centenary Banquet Event: This is being held in Croke Park. It will be a once off Gala dinner event, special guests, music, entertainment, guest speakers, GAA President and Dublin CB CEO and former CEO as well as invitations extended to a host of dignitaries as well as all past members and players.

December 6th Mentors Appreciation Night: The official closing of the year of the centenary will take place on club grounds with a mentors appreciation night and complimentary food and drinks to close out the year.


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