St Pats Donabate

Founded 1924

Child Protection - Cosaint Leanaí

St Pats is fully committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all children and young people who participate in our activities, and also for the adults who assist and mentor these children & young people.

We do our utmost to take all practical steps to safeguard children and young people from any discernable forms of abuse, harm, discrimination or degrading treatment and in so far as is practically possible, we provide a safe environment for them.

St Pats has a designated Children’s Officer and a Designated Liaison Officer (details below) whose appointments are central to the GAA Child welfare strategy. We would ask everyone involved with the club to support and cooperate with them in their important duties.

Children’s Officer: Sheila McGuinness -

Designated Liaison Officer: Club Chair -




The Designated Liaison Person is available and shall be responsible at an initial stage for dealing with any concerns relating to the possible abuse of children as reported or made known to them.


Garda Vetting

Vetting is a legal requirement pursuant to the National Vetting Bureau (Children & Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 – 2016. The Club has a statutory obligation to ensure that all those who undertake ‘relevant work’ with children are vetted.

The term ‘relevant work’ in the GAA/LGFA includes any role of responsibility such as coaching, managing or training underage teams or indeed adult teams that contain any player under 18 years of age. It also applies to organising underage activities or refereeing underage games.



Child Safeguarding Statement

Code of Best Practice in Youth Sport when working with underage players

Code of Underage Behaviour

Dealing with Alleged Breaches of the Code of Behaviour (Underage)

Club Playing-Up Policy for Juvenile players

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